Is there anybody out there?

The mist muffles my cries,
For the memories of the previous world have said their goodbyes.

Where am I?

A chair bound by tape,
No chance of escape.
And yet I am calm, for what is it I wait?
The steel legs scrape against the linoleum floor;
I reach my hand down before,
I feel it.
A pool of water but an inch in depth.
It covers the whole surface, and i’m confused of its purpose,
For when to the east,
And look to the west,
It is then that I see it stretch

Who are you?

I don’t even know
But how I long for you so.
This endless cavern of uncertainty, with fog so thick, and air so cold.
The uncomfortably tepid water soaks into my socks
I cease to struggle, the shock
of my new reality begins to fade.
So this is how it ends…

But that was only the beginning, you see:

It’s always worse when you’re already resigned.
Dread comes first, but then comes fear
A shrill piercing noise enters my ears
I want to scream but I find only terrified silence
For when I look down
I see soil, underneath the floor is brown
Earth gives way to a pitch black slimy appendage
And my last vestige
of hope
flees my soul.
They reach ever upward, they are reaching for something
Oh god, they reach around me, they touch me
I am increasingly squeezed in an unwelcome embrace
The cold tentacles slither onto my face.
What have I done to deserve such a fate?

And then it's gone.

Cold sweat, out of breath;
But oddly enough, completely at rest.
I float in a moonlight pool, my clothes completely wet
What did I encounter? Was it a doubt? Was it death?

It should be nice to be back in the waking world.

But everywhere I walk I see linoleum floors,
shallow pools of tears, empty lies and misleading doors.
How long will it take,
For me to walk on one of these floors
And something underneath it breaks, again?
Where are you?
Can you dry me off? Can you show me to a carpet?

But I can’t fucking find you.

The cold air makes me paranoid
Now, there is nothing I fear more than that void.

Is there anybody out there?