Is it all it’s chalked up to be when the fluorescent lights glow with minimum wage?
Is it all worth it in the end when I’m mopping up crap for a new ice age?

My own confidence left its clothing on the floor.
My own selfishness let my friends think I’m a whore.

Hold me down and tell me its fake.
I know it's done, but where’s my mistake?
I wanna scream, but it can’t come out.
Hold me down and fill me with doubt.

I’m tired of walking around, I'm tired of holding my ground,
I’m aware that there is no danger, so why can I hear the sound.
It’s slippin’ away,
It’s slippin’ away,
I’m slippin’ away,
I’ve lost my footing.
Should I be alarmed by the noises that I'm hearing?