You can take a break from anything,
So just sign our timeshare contract.
You can have enough for anything,
So just take our payday loans.

It's a simple world, where we solved it for you,
No need to worry, and with all due
Respect, why would you doubt us first place?
Just open up your hearts in our warm embrace.

So why complain ‘bout shit now?
So why complain ‘bout shit now?

You can go and order anything,
Just click the box for same day shipping.

We’ve given you ungrateful fucks everything you have,
So why would go and turn your backs,
On us we’re just trying to make a profit,
And that’ll also fill your pockets.

So why complain ‘bout shit now?
So why complain ‘bout shit now?

It's the 21st century and there’s nothing worse than
Being unhappy, so take an amenity
First, do you like them? There freshly made from,
The warmth of my heart, and my 200,000 mates.