They are still trying to break us.
Bring in the privatizers and stop this!
They say they only want sick leave;
Our campaign donors are not gonna be pleased.

Break this up, stop it now!
The idiots are learning how!
Break this up, stop it now!
The rail workers are learning how!
Break this up, spray them with pepper!
When they learn there’s chemicals in the river…

They still choke on our fast food chains.
Keep them from having any brains!
There’s this thing called unionization,
It’s a plague across the nation.

Break this up, stop it now!
The idiots are learning how!
Break this up, stop it now!
The rail workers are learning how!
Break this up, spray them with pepper!
When they learn there’s chemicals in the river…
Break this up, break this up, break this up!!!

Help me to understand why they don’t hear our screams.
I just wanna go to work without tearing at the seams.
The people who were on our side have all betrayed us;
There's no way to escape this.