How come we stray from what works?
The familiar is always what lurks.
Regular polyhedra define.
What I doubt, will come to outshine.

Heptagon with perfect sides,
7 numbers to be said,
Residents will all abide,
Moon is tugging at the tides.

Octagon seems so complete,
7 sheets of music read,
4 and 3 drum to the beat,
Every soul wants to deplete.

Why do we draw symmetrical lines?
Why are we hanging ourselves out to dry?
How does it factor into our minds?
Where is the creative defiance?

Heptagon with perfect sides,
7 numbers to be said,
Residents will all abide,
Moon is tugging at the tides.

Octagon seems so complete,
7 sheets of music read,
4 and 3 drum to the beat,
Every soul wants to deplete.