I feel a desire to wrap my oversized hoodie around you.
I’m full of the fire that some people would call falling for you.
But that doesn’t feel right, like a bottle vinegar drank too fast.
I think it would feel right if I kissed while you walked past.

I will still wait for you.
I’ll give anything just to find you.
Don’t leave me hanging,
Don’t leave me dry,
Don’t leave me standing,
Please don’t cry.

It’s so fucking lonely in this house with no one in it.
It’s so fucking lonely in this time where you can’t do shit.
I want to go home now, to where there’s always something to do.
I want to go home now, so I can be held tightly by you.

I will still wait for you.
I’ll give anything just to find you.
Don’t leave me hanging,
Don’t leave me dry,
Don’t leave me standing,
Please don’t cry.